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Warm-Up for Sunday: Warm-Up for Sunday: If we were to ask mothers what gift they would cherish most from their children, what would it be? Would be it a card, a call, a gift or a special service rendered? Or might it be a life lived that honors the value and principles taught by their mom? This Sunday we will talk about the gift that most honors our mother. We will look specifically at how Jesus honored His mother. Join us this Sunday as we consider the gift we’ll give!​ Scripture references: John 2:1-11, 14:1-3, 19:25-27
Life Group Questions
1. Why do you think Jesus consented to His mother when she said, “There’s no more wine?” Keep in mind He told her, “It was not his time.”
2. In what ways did Jesus honor His mother during the course of His ministry?
3. When nailed to the cross, Jesus directed Mary to consider John her son and John to consider Mary his mother.  Why?  How was this honoring to His mother?
4. In your own words, what would you say is the greatest way we honor your mother?
5. In Jesus day, the extended family lived in close proximity to one another.  In our day and time, family members often live many miles apart. Do you think living geographically apart effects how we honor our parents?
6. Do you think most adult children live lives that honor the values and principles of their mother?  If not, why is it that so many adult children fail to honor the values and principles of their mother?