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Warm-Up for Sunday:

1:1 Everyday Discipleship Series
Shifting From Informing to Equipping – Part 2
Alan Ford
Small Group Discussion Questions
1) How can we as leaders equip every member to be true followers of Jesus and disciple makers?
2) What does the transformative journey of unlocking one’s full potential in the Kingdom of God entail?
3) What does it mean to take up one’s cross daily and follow Jesus, as mentioned in Luke 9:23?
4) How does the analogy of horses needing a job relate to our role as followers of Christ?
5) What is the significance of Jesus’ statement in John 15:5 about being the vine and the branches?
6) How does Alexander Campbell’s concept of the universe as a system of systems apply to the church’s structure?
7) What can we learn from the analogy of the human body with many parts, as described in 1 Corinthians 12?
8) How can a New Testament church effectively onboard new members and help them adjust to their roles?
9) In what ways can we function as disciple makers within the church, utilizing our unique gifts?
10) How can we ensure that every member feels valued and welcomed in the church community?