Music Ministry

“O Come let us sing a song unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms” Psalms 95:1-2
Christ’s Way believes our highest calling is to worship our Creator. We offer a blended contemporary service beginning at 10:30 each Sunday morning.
Sunday School

Following God requires learning God’s will through learning God’s word. We believe everyone needs to be involved in a systematic Bible study. Currently we have two adult Sunday School classes and a children’s class is offered during the worship service.
Overseas Mission:
Reneboy Dag-uman

Reneboy Dag-uman serves as the lead pastor for the Church of Christ in the village of Talibon, a province of Bohol, Philippines. Church link:

Reneboy’s Facebook:
Body Life Groups
Christ’s Way operates with the belief that Jesus spent most of his time making disciples through the small group process. We believe everyone benefits from being connected through small groups that study, pray, and play together.
We currently have fourLife Groups that meet during the week in different homes. To find out more about these groups please call the church office, leave a message, and we will get back with you.
Occasionally we will meet by Zoom. Our Zoom address is the following:
* Meeting ID: 479 660 3222
* Password: 782466
Email Pastor Mike @
Or the church email @
Overseas Mission: CRAM
C.Y. and Patricia Kim:

In 1997, the Lord placed a burning desire within the hearts of C. Y. and Patricia Kim to evangelize and meet the physical needs of people living in the communist countries of Asia. Through God’s amazing grace and guidance, He has expanded those opportunities and Christ Reaching Asia Mission (CRAM) Worldwide now shares through benevolent works in North Korea, Cambodia, and the Philippines. Established in 1998, CRAM is an active accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, ensuring our supporters that we follow the highest standards of accountability.
Please stay informed on current needs by visiting their home page.
Overseas Mission:
Martin Shikuku Afuma
Martin Afuma is an ambassador of Christ who brings the gospel to people and villages in Mombasa – Kenya. The home church is the Baraka Church of Christ. You can find more information at their web site. Just click on the top picture above. Send a message at